Come chat with us on IRC at #Franky-House (IRCHighway). We do have a download bot , but still looking for more. If you are interested in helping, please contact us via PM or IRC. Anyways back to manga.
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Mega upload
Help Support Franky House. Paypal Users SHOULD proceed to paypal via this link: The FH Donate Link. Everyone can also help out by downloading from the Megaupload D-Link above. Every little bit helpsRaw: Kylara
Translator: Hisshouburaiken, tora-chan
Cleaners: capicis, rengwei, Hiruma Youichi
Typesetter: Linkmasta
have fun and enjoy
Labels: Release and Downloads
Direct Download
Mega Upload
Raw: Kylara
Translator: pcxxy, Ulrilra
Cleaners: capicis, rengwei, kenjimaru
Typesetter: Linkmasta
have fun and enjoy
p.s. FH is looking for translators, raw providers, cleaners and typesetters. If you want to join us, make a thread in Become a Franky House Pirate forum.
Labels: Release and Downloads
Direct Download
Here's the newest Tsubasa RC chapter for you guys. Enjoy it's awsomeness.
Come chat with us on IRC at #Franky-House (IRCHighway). We do have a download bot , but still looking for more. If you are interested in helping us with this, please contact us via PM or IRC. Anyways back to manga.
Raw: ladydarkmoon
Translation: Inarikami
Editors: Annita, capicis, kenjimaru, makhan
Labels: Release and Downloads
Direct Download
Raw: LadyDarkMoon
Translator: michiyohayashi
Cleaners: Linkmasta, kez, akan, B-One, kenjimaru
Typesetters: rengwei, capicis, akan
have fun and enjoy
p.s. FH is looking for translators, raw providers, cleaners and typesetters. If you want to join us, make a thread in Become a Franky House Pirate forum.
Labels: Release and Downloads
Ini sedikit tutorial dari saya bagaimana caranya scanlation..Pertama-tama buka program Photoshop versi apapun juga boleh, buka file rawnya lalu klik image->mode->grayscale setelah itu klik tombol hitam putih pada Layers windows dan pilih levels (ctrl+L), atur sedemikian rupa supaya gambar yang buram itu menjadi lebih terlihat hitam dan putih dengan cara menggeser panel berwarna hitam ke kanan dan panel berwarna putih ke kiri, (setelah selesai masih banyak noise biarkan saja dahulu) save dengan format jpeg high.
Sekarang kita kembali lagi gunakan Photoshop
dan gunakan lagi level(ctrl+L) dan atur agar blur hasil filter neatimage menghilang , setelah selesai kita gunakan pen tool (p) pen tool sangat berguna untuk untuk mempertebal warna hitam dan putih, ini adalah tool yang sangat penting dalam scanlations karena kita akan sangat sering menggunakan tool ini.
Buat layer baru khusus untuk bolding sehingga jika terjadi kesalahan tidak akan menggangu layer yang lain, caranya gunakan paths pada pen toolbar lalu klik pen options->rubber band sehingga kita akan bekerja mengikuti paths bukan shapes lakukan langkah demi langkah setelah selesai klik kanan->fill path dengan warna hitam atau putih dan ok!!
Jika sudah selesai jangan lupa untuk mengubah ukuran image dengan height 1200 pixel dan save dengan format PNG-24,satu hal lagi yang penting jangan lupa juga untuk mengcrop pinggiran hitam yang biasa berada pada raw ini sangat penting lho.. selesai deh. Maaf jika tutorial ini terlalu singkat kalau masih bingung silahkan kirim komentar disini.
Ini contoh hasil scanlation saya sendiri >.<
Labels: Tutorial
Best Director
Though this award doesn't limit to be given to the directors of films, has a tendency to be given to film directors.
Mamoru Hasoda : The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Best Original Story
The awards for the original creators of the work.
Yatsutaka Tsutsui : The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Best Screenplay
The awards for screenwriters.
Satoko Okudera : The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Best Art Direction
The awards for the staffs of art direction.
Nizo Yamamoto : The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Best Character
The awards for character designers.
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto : The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Best Voice Actor
The awards for actors by their voice acting. *Seiyūs, but in the meaning of Voice Actors. Rumi Hiiragi (2002) and Chieko Baisho (2005) are more famous as actress in Japan.
Aya Hirano : Haruhi Suzumiya
Best Music
The awards for composers (and other music related people).
Susumu Hirasawa : Paprika
Labels: Anime
All anime released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates. The anime that represents the year in the works nominated to each section is chosen.
In the first year, the award was given to Spirited Away as 'Grand Prix'. In the second year, there was no award. Therefore, the 'Best Entry Awards' in the 'Notable Entrie' are often recognized as 'Grand Prix': Millenium Actress (film), Hanada Shonen-shi (TV) and Sento Yosei Yukikaze (OVA)
The winner is The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Open Entries Grand Prize 2007
he awards for the creator of the non-commercialized work for TV, movie and OVA. Founded in 2004, to find new talents and to provide support for subsequent commercialization. The work must be a animation longer than 15 seconds, and no longer than 30 minutes. If the work was not comercialized before, professional creator also can enter this Grand Prize.
The winner is Howie Shia, from Canada Flutter
Notable Entry 2007
The excellent works of the year are chosen according to each section.
Television Category 2007
The TV animations broadcasted from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion |
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya |
Death Note |
Feature Film Category 2007
The animation films released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.
The winner is Paprika - Arashi no Yoru ni
OVA Category 2007
The Original Video Animations (OVAs) released from December 1 of the year beforehand to November 30 of the previous year in Japan become candidates.THe winner is Diebuster - Freedom
International Theater Award 2007
The winner is CarsLabels: Anime
It is directed by Seiji Mizushima and written by Yōsuke Kuroda, and features character designs by Yun Kōga. The series was first officially announced by Sunrise during a 15-second trailer, which aired during Terra e...'s June 2, 2007 broadcast. Similar to the Sunrise anime Code geass, Gundam 00 will consist of two seasons, with the first one containing 25 episodes and the second containing 27 episodes. The second season is set to go on air in October 2008.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 is the first Gundam series to be animated in high definition, and the first to be set in Anno Domini.

The series is set in the year 2307 AD of the Gregorian Calendar. During this time, became exhausted and the distribution of fuels became imbalanced. Humanity must rely on an array of solar power generation systems orbiting the Earth, and supported by three fossil fuels orbital elevator, each one pertaining to one of the three "major powers" on the planet.
The Union of Solar Energy and Free Nations (世界経済連合, sekaikeizairengō?, abbrev. ユニオン Union, lit. World Economic Union), consisting of the Organization of American States, Australisia and Japan, control the elevator located in South America. The Human Reform League (人類革新連盟, Jinrui Kakushin Renmei?, abbrev. 人革連 Jinkakuren, lit. Human Reform Alliance), consisting of China, Siberian Russia, India, the nations of South Asia (excluding the middle-Asian states of Iran, Afganistan and Pakistan), Mongolia, the member states of the ASEAN, Papua New Guinea, the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan, control the elevator located in the Pacific Ocean. The Advanced European Union (AEU), consisting of Iceland, the islands of the Barents Sea, Greenland, Anatolia and the entirety of the traditional of continent Europe, control an elevator built in the middle of the African continent.
With this infinite source of energy benefiting only the major powers and their allies, constant warfare around the globe for fuels and energy lead to the formation of a private military organization, called Celestial Being (ソレスタルビーイング, Soresutaru Biiingu), dedicated to eradicating war and unite humanity with the use of four humanoid machines called Gundams.
Mobile Suit Gundam 00 follows four mobile suit pilots termed Gundam Meisters ( ガンダムマイスター, Gandamu Maisutā?), sided with Celestial Being. The protagonist is 16-year old Setsuna F. Seiei (刹那・F・セイエイ, Setsuna F. Seiei?), a quiet, taciturn young man who grew up in the Kurdish Republic, and a Gundam Meister for two years. He pilots the GN-001 Gundam exia, a high mobility mobile suit effective in melee combat.
Labels: Anime